The fellas open the show discussing folk songs and folk tales and give their own version of a popular kid's fable.
David is off kilter today, wasting time at the bank and forgetting to get gas and a red bull, which explained his earlier grumpiness.
Thomas bitches about his reduced .... AGAIN.
Dispatcher spin number 2: You know what that means, listeners, an OH SHIT moment.
Thomas talks about not helping a maced victim, and Taxi David adds his own mace victim story.
Taxi David claims he doesn't get the panic when a cop lights him up, while Thomas admits he still gets the adrenaline rush when it happens to him.
Dispatcher spin goes to number 5: Get to know you.
Taxi David has a disturbing dream, and Thomas adds a story about a recurring dream he had as a child.
Good Show Chuck Woolery
Stay Positive Kids