Episode Description: December 2024 Wellness Roundup
In this episode, we’re diving into the top wellness and fitness stories from December 2024. From groundbreaking research on gut health and its impact on mental wellness to new studies on the connection between exercise and brain health, we’ll explore how the latest science is reshaping our understanding of health, fitness, and longevity.
Tune in for a holistic look at the latest health trends to ensure you’re moving into the new year armed with the most up-to-date knowledge to support both mind and body.
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- Trainerize
- https://getstarted.trainerize.com/Threephaseoffer
- Bioptimizers
- https://bit.ly/42qsUhy
- Code: 3PHASE10
- https://join.whoop.com/244984
- ATP Labs
- https://bit.ly/3rfdEji
- Code: 3PHASE10
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