We don’t want to divert your attention from what’s happening in North America right now, so before listening to the first episode of our podcast, please consider donating to these organizations and signing these petitions:
- https://www.justiceforbigfloyd.com/#petition
- https://www.knowyourrightscamp.com/legal
- https://www.change.org/p/mayor-jacob-frey-justice-for-george-floyd?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_22414602_en-US%3Av7&recruiter=1099335111&recruited_by_id=3e036b60-a2a0-11ea-b1ff-fd686fc822b0&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_abi
- https://blacklivesmatter.ca/donate/
- https://www.reclaimtheblock.org
- https://www.standwithbre.com
- https://linktr.ee/blacklivesmatter
- Google Document with Resources: tinyurl.com/blmforever
In this first episode Sofie & Dana explain all the basics you need to know to help you understand your birth chart. The first portion of this episode will explore all of the sun signs and will provide brief descriptions (and STRONG opinions) of all 12 signs. We've put time stamps for all you narcissists out there:
Aries- 6:33
Taurus- 8:01
Gemini- 10:48
Cancer- 12:49
Leo- 15:23
Virgo- 18:15
Libra- 19:32
Scorpio- 21:33
Sagittarius- 25:56
Capricorn- 28:35
Aquarius- 30:36
Pisces- 34:27
This episode will include the modalities, the elements and the personality characteristics associated with your sign. Later in the episode Sofie & Dana will touch upon the topic of houses in your chart and what that means for you and your life path.
Sofie & Dana share their opinions and knowledge through their emotional water sign lenses and help guide you through with their general knowledge of the zodiac and through personal experiences and stories.
In no way are Sofie & Dana certified experts in astrology, but they are bound to give you some insight and make you laugh along the way.
Subscribe for more in depth episodes coming soon!
Follow us on Instagram:
Sofie | www.instagram.com/sofiaslez/
Dana | www.instagram.com/danapay/
*Intro Music by www.instagram.com/beatsbymour/
We also have a Youtube channel with BONUS content: