Subtitle: Not a Farming Podcast
Anthony and Tonetta introduce themselves. They explain why they named their podcast "Loam" after a type of nutrient-rich soil. The pastors discuss how soil serves as a metaphor for creating healthy spiritual environments.
Send your questions, feedback, and topic ideas to podcast@loam.fm
Follow the LOAM Podcast on Instagram. Anthony is @PastorParrott on all the socials. Follow Tonetta on Instagram @TonettaLandia
Topics covered:
- Personal introductions and backgrounds
- Definition and properties of loam soil
- Critique of mechanized/industrialized approaches to ministry
- Non-coercion as a core value
- Vulnerability in spiritual practice
- Re-enchantment and mysticism
- Importance of deep community
- Current reading lists
- Experiences with theological education
- Integration of farming metaphors in ministry
- Effects of Christian nationalism and systemic issues
- Role of heart-centered vs. intellectual faith
- Approaches to spiritual formation Personal experiences with church trauma