Being in alignment allows us to be happier, live healthier and get more of what we want with ease. It allows us to be in the flow so we can enjoy life more and getting there requires us to release whatever resistance we are holding onto. Lisa and Britt join together to talk about what’s going on in the world today, how to get yourself out of fear so you can get into alignment and get more of what you want out of life. Enlightenment Dialogues Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Enlightenment-Dialogues Lisa Linder www.lisalindertransformations.com Britt Tanya www.britttanya.com
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"Enlightenment Dialogues" is a monthly podcast and each new episode is released on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We created it to support your journey towards enlightenment. Britt and Lisa are both professional transformational coaches.
Check out our podcast channel here -https://enlightenmentdialogues.libsyn.comIf you enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe, like and you can also share it with this link.