
  • 工業顧問 (Manufacturing Consulting) - 訪談專家:Kara Atchison


    要在工業界當顧問當然也要有豐富的經驗,今天的來賓 Kara 曾經在 NASA 和德州儀器任職,接著在台灣創辦了 Lone Star Technologies 這間顧問公司,協助客戶做產線的審核、產品檢測、還有各項的評估、分析,達到客戶的要求和提升品質。

    一起來聽聽 Kara 的經歷、創業過程,和遇到的挑戰。

    **LoneStar Technology 的網站:https://www.lonestartech.tw

    **LoneStar Technology 的臉書:https://www.facebook.com/LoneStarTechnologyTaiwan/

    **訪談片段在 (03:21 - 19:01)

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    1. To fall into place 變得清楚或明朗化

    We don’t really know how to solve the problem, but we’re hoping that things fall into place after we start working on it.

    1. To jump through hoops 克服重重的困難

    I lost all my money, phone, and passport while traveling, so I asked the embassy for help and had to jump through many hoops to get new documents an ATM card and a temporary phone.

    1. To have a rude awakening 大失所望

    Everyone had high expectations of the movie after watching the trailer, but they all had a rude awakening when the movie came to theaters. Many people walked out because it was so bad!


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  • 電玩產業 Part 2 (The Video Game Industry Part 2) - 訪談專家:Solomon Temowo






    **訪談片段在 (02:02 - 31:28)

    **如果您需要本集 Podcast 中英對照逐字稿,請與我們聯繫:https://bit.ly/3arFHXg

    **用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!




    1. To dot the i's and cross the t's (動詞片語) 一絲不苟、注重細節

    The student dotted his I's and crossed his T's when doing the experiment because the sample was very small so he only had one chance to get it right.

    1. To hit the ground running (動詞片語) 立刻展開行動並成功

    The politician hit the ground running getting the new energy policy passed right after he was elected.

    1. Pick me up (名詞) 讓人提神的東西

    Whenever Susan is frustrated with her job as an artist and needs a pick me up, she looks at the encouraging comments from her followers on IG and feels better.


    Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.tw

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  • 電玩產業 (The Video Game Industry) - 訪談專家:Solomon Temowo



    「打電動」說是台灣的全民運動一點也不為過,在2020年台灣人在手遊上「貢獻」的金額高居全球第 5,台灣「課長」的實力果然堅強!

    總部位在台北的遊戲工作室 Playerium 的創辦人參與過許多遊戲大作的製作過程,包括地平線:期待黎明、魔物獵人:世界、惡靈古堡7、最後生還者等等。他今天要來和我們分享:

    - 他是如何走進遊戲產業、

    - 做過哪些遊戲相關工作

    - 為什麼選擇台北當作他工作室的地點



    **訪談片段在 (06:08 - 29:42)

    **用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!




    1. Succinct (形容詞) 簡潔的

    Unlike many professors, Tom is able to give the students a succinct and understandable explanation of complicated subjects such as quantum physics.

    1. To know something like the back of someone's hand 暸若指掌

    After living in Taipei for 30 years, Jeffrey knows the city like the back of his hand.

    1. To bootstrap (動詞) 利用有限的資源運作

    If you were to look at where Apex is today, you might have a hard time believing that Clifford and his wife bootstrapped the entire company with just a little money in the bank and a handful of clients.


    Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.tw

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  • 台北市​國際社區服務基金會 (The Community Services Center) - 訪談專家:Adam McMillan



    今天Community Services Center的主任Adam要來和我們分享他們這個中心的歷史和成立宗旨、主要的服務內容。

    **Community Services Center的網站:https://www.communitycenter.org.tw

    **Community Services Center的臉書https://www.facebook.com/TheCenterTaipei/

    **訪談片段在 (03:16 - 21:22)

    **用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!https://bit.ly/3xP7PAd



    1. Bludgeon (動詞) 用棍棒重擊

    The three young men who were arrested for bludgeoning a student last November in Taichung are now awaiting trial.

    1. Propagate (動詞) 繁殖、傳播

    Due to their recent popularity, Japanese ramen restaurant chain stores have propagated all over Taiwan.

    1. Myriad (形容詞) 無數的

    In the past few decades, scientists have been trying to identify effective cancer treatments among a myriad of different molecules.


    Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.tw

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  • 國際貿易與國際關係 (下) (International Trade & International Relations - part 2) - 訪談專家:朱杯杯



    - 台灣政府在國際貿易與自由貿易協定上所做的努力

    - 進入國際組織工作的秘訣



    **訪談片段在 (01:21 - 26:32)

    **用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!https://bit.ly/372lOrx



    1. Hurdle (名詞) 障礙、困難

    Getting into an Ivy League university involves overcoming many hurdles which is why a degree from one of these top schools is so valuable.

    1. To till (動詞) 犁、耕

    The reason that certain religions and people don’t eat beef is because of the cow’s revered role in helping farmers till the fields.

    1. Dilemma (名詞) 困境、兩難局面

    Figuring out how to best deal with Russia for its actions in Ukraine has been a huge dilemma for the international community.


    Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.tw

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    IG: @apexlang.podcast

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  • 國際貿易與國際關係 (International Trade & International Relations) - 訪談專家:朱杯杯




    - 什麼是國際貿易和國際關係

    - 瑞士這個永久中立國有什麼值得我們學習的

    - 俄烏衝突可能對我們有什麼影響



    **訪談片段在 (05:06- 32:14)

    **用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!https://bit.ly/3JSieOH



    1. ASEAN 東南亞國協

    2. Referendum (名詞) 公投

    The KMT was dealt a major political defeat when none of the 4 in 1 referendum issues passed.

    3. Repercussion (名詞) 不好的後果

    You should be very careful about what you say and post on social media because certain things can have repercussions on your career.


    Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.tw

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    IG: @apexlang.podcast

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  • 俄國制裁 (Russian Sanctions) - 訪談專家:Greg Levin

    俄烏衝突已持續 20 多天,多次談判仍未有結果。各國紛紛對俄國祭出制裁,包括原油、經濟、消費品,對俄國造成了重大的影響,卻也帶動國際油價的上漲等等副作用,受創最嚴重的可能也是中產階級,而不是各國的目標「寡頭」們。

    究竟對俄國的制裁是「殺手鐧」還是「七傷拳」?是「精準打擊」還是「範圍傷害」?今天我們再次邀請到曾經在美聯儲和美國銀行擔任分析師、交易員,現在是全職投資人和全球市場分析部落客的 Greg 來告訴我們:

    - 各國對俄國施加了哪些制裁

    - 這些制裁的影響

    - 各國如何減少這些制裁產生的副作用

    **Greg 的部落格 Bubble Catcher:https://bubblecatcher.substack.com

    **訪談片段在 (04:14 - 30:15)

    **如果您需要本集 Podcast中英對照逐字稿,請與我們聯繫:https://bit.ly/3arFHXg

    **用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!https://bit.ly/35ZzuTx



    1. To have teeth (組織或法律) 具有讓大家服從的權力

    The FDA enacted new rules which have teeth after angry complaints by the public that drug companies that broke the rules were getting off too easy.

    1. Oligarch 寡頭
    2. 3. $64,000 question 關鍵問題


    Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.tw

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    IG: @apexlang.podcast

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  • Understanding: 俄烏衝突 (The Ukraine Conflict)


    俄烏衝突到節目錄音為止進入第五天,烏克蘭總統 Zelensky 同意和俄國在白俄羅斯邊境進行談判。他雖然表明不相信這次談判的結果,但誰也說不準結果會如何,就像俄國發動攻擊一樣可能會再一次出乎大多數人的意料之外。

    從 1991 年蘇聯解體開始,俄國和烏克蘭的關係常常是隨著領導人的傾向而轉變,但大致上來說都還算穩定,那麼是什麼事件讓這樣穩定的情勢有這麼大的轉變呢?本集英文小宇宙要告訴你:

    - 俄國和烏克蘭的過去和現在

    - 兩國關係的重要轉折事件

    - 各國政府對這次俄烏衝突的作為與態度




    1. To deescalate (動詞) 逐漸降溫、持續下降

    The COVID-19 alert in Taiwan deescalated from level 3 to level 2 after a continuous decline of confirmed infections over the course of a month.

    1. Finger wagging 懲罰、警告某人

    The very traditional boss wags his fingers at any employee who leaves even a minute or two early.

    1. To deter (動詞) 嚇阻

    Many people argue that the 2.4 billion Euro antitrust fine against Google by the EU will not be enough to deter the company from dominating the market.

    1. To stand four squares behind (動詞片語) 堅決支持

    I stand four squares behind euthanasia for those with terminal illness because I believe everyone deserves a chance to end their life peacefully.

    1. To carve out (動詞片語) 從一個完整的東西中謀取或是移除一部分

    Every politician in the country wants to carve out some of the infrastructure budget for their voters so they can get reelected next term.

    1. Unequivocal (形容詞) 明確的

    The suspect was unequivocal in her denial towards the accusations that she willingly defrauded the government.

    1. Complicit (形容詞) 同謀的

    There was evidence that suggested that members of Trump’s election team were complicit in the release of emails hacked by Russia, but the case was not strong enough to convict anyone.


    Original Source Material:

    Jonathon Katz of the German Marshall Fund:


    PBS News Hour - Biden-Putin Video Conference:


    Boris Johnson at Munich Security Conference:


    Biden condemns recognition of Dunest and Luhans, announces sanctions against Russia:


    Trudeau condemns Russias "special military operation," announces sanctions against Russia:



    Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.tw

    Facebook 搜尋:ApexLanguage

    IG: @apexlang.podcast

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