RF 的三位好奇寶寶終於有機會解開伴隨他們一生的謎,萬分榮幸請到了寵物溝通師艾莉緹!「寵物溝通」大家多少都有聽過,但究竟誰才有資格和寵物溝通? 隨時隨地都可以和動物聊天?和毛小孩的溝通如何進行?跟著直男們與艾莉緹一起探索寵物溝通的世界!在稍微了解一番後,Sean 和 Daniel 也分享了自己寵物的照片來驗證艾莉緹是否真的名不虛傳!充滿歡笑的過程中,艾莉緹除了幫大家解惑以外,也傳達了很多身為寵物溝通師必須具備的道德良心與責任感。最後,艾莉緹也和大家分享如何找到可以信任的寵物溝通師、以及諮詢前需要注意的事項。 The three curious boys finally have a chance to have their questions answered by pet whisperer Arrietty! They dive into the fascinating world of animal communication, exploring who can talk to animals, whether pet whisperers can communicate with them anytime, and what the process is like. Sean and Daniel even test Arrietty's skills by sharing photos of their pets, uncovering valuable lessons about the ethics and responsibilities of being a pet whisperer. To close, Arrietty offers tips on finding a trustworthy pet whisperer and things to watch out for. WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/6kvuYUo4NuE ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1TksE7y9IMfQ260RIphbVZ?si=1c2e29c11998439d APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723 KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP 📩 合作邀約請來信: realfakepodcast87@gmail.com Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 01:35 人人都能學寵物溝通? 04:34 學寵物溝通師有什麼好處? 06:53 大家都愛攻擊寵物溝通師? 09:44 高等級動物?! 12:10 可以隨時跟任何動物聊天嗎? 16:55 溝通的過程是什麼感覺? 21:06 動物也需要被告知的 26:13 Sean 養了胖虎跟大雄 31:34 膽小狗到了動物王國 35:15 大腿內側脂肪不夠 39:04 要怎麼找到可以信任的溝通師 43:24 溝通師要練多久? 48:19 ENDING #podcast #寵物 #溝通 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn