The Porn Antidote: Attachment
God's Secret Weapon for Crushing Porn's Grip, and Creating the Life and Marriage You Dream Of
Steve Smith
Carl Stewart
Have you repeatedly tried and failed to quit looking at pornography?
Are you tired of the guilt and shame?
Has porn wreaked havoc in your marriage?
Pornography is a rapidly growing epidemic responsible for broken marriages, wrecked lives, and ruined careers.
This compelling and practical book will “crack the code” of how porn hijacks your “3-Brains”, deal with the core issues driving you to look at porn (it’s not just lust), and unveil a blueprint for restoring your marriage.
You will see how God designed us to connect with Him and with each other is a powerful antidote to porn’s seduction.
I have been helping men and couples find freedom from porn for over 18 years. Crack the cover to learn practical tips and proven strategies you can implement today. This easy-to-follow guide contains everything you need to crush porn’s grip and repair your marriage.
If you only apply 10 percent of what you listen, you will see significant changes in your battle with porn. Listen to the first two chapters—if it isn’t transforming then put it down. I’m betting you won’t be able to.