The Human Mind - Wired for Multiple Realities
Gregory Shinn
Ishan Rami
Dan Howe
Albert Einstein once stated that the distinction between the past, present, and future were only illusions. Conventional science tells us that there is a real world out there...but whose world is it and how do we prove it?
Best-selling authors Ishan Rami and Dan Howe explore the fascinating answers to these questions and many more in their new book The Human Mind - Wired for Multiple Realities.
Inside you'll learn about:
- The split realities created by our right and left brains
- The differences between the intuitive and discriminating mind
- The secrets of the intelligent intuitive unconscious
- How complimentary thinking and feeling is used to shape our reality
- Split reality and how it operates in our daily lives
- What causes the brain's mystical experiences
- How deactivating the brain is achieved
- The latest thinking on quantum-holographic theory
- The insubstantial universe
- An astonishing hypothesis that's just being introduced
- The current thinking concerning superposition in the full void
- Cancellation in the empty void
- What effect meditation has on the brain
- What is universal brain-mind
- Thoughts on reality held by mystics and scientists over the ages
- The basics of neurology as it applies to creating your perception of reality
- How virtual reality may hold the key to understanding everything
- And much more!
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