The Genesis Chair
Skip Simonds
Skip Simonds
Deke Sandborn is the executive officer on a cargo ship bound for deep space. He thinks it's just a regular run, but that was before they lost propulsion, had to land on an alien planet, and he killed his captain. Now he's been told by an alien mystic that he has to invent a time travel machine, go back in time, and talk a stranger into writing a book that will change civilization. And his day is just getting started....
The Genesis Chair is straightforward science fiction in its purest form. Hearkening back to the golden years of science fiction, the story turns on the inevitable battle Deke Sandborn has with the conforming powers that have arisen by the year 2345. An allegory of the best sort, Deke emerges from a humanity that prizes success at all costs to build a new and better life that cuts across the grain.
What starts out as an individual struggle for a new way of life gives birth to a movement that begins to span planets and star systems and even time itself. Deke never intended to be the center of a change that could potentially affect all of civilization, but he finds himself the unassuming seed of change.
©2021 William Simonds (P)2021 William Simonds