Standing for Light and Truth
Living with Integrity to Shine God's Light in a World Growing Dim
Larry Nobles
Adrian Rogers
The light of Christ shines brightest in the bleakest of times.
Standing for Light and Truth is a collection of Adrian Rogers’ best-loved sermons to challenge Christians to stand for God’s light and truth. Learn the causes of America’s moral darkness and the destiny of those who turn away from the light, and get insight and guidance to help you live with integrity to shine his light in a world growing dim.
About Love Worth Finding and Adrian Rogers: In today’s fast-paced, self-focused world, it’s difficult to find quality biblical teaching, let alone teaching that simplifies profound truth so it can be applied to everyday lives. At Love Worth Finding, we understand that struggle and seek to help Christians grow deeper in their faith through the timeless teachings of pastor, teacher, and author Adrian Rogers.
About Innovo Publishing: Innovo is a conservative Christian publisher, providing full-service publishing services for Christian authors, artists, and ministries through traditional royalty publishing and custom models. Innovo publishes hardbacks, paperbacks, ebooks, audiobooks, music, screenplays, film, courses, and curricula. Every Innovo title aligns with biblical principles and meets the publishing industry's highest editorial and design standards.
©2003, 2021 Love Worth Finding Ministries (P)2021 Love Worth Finding Ministries