Safe and Proven Fasting Guide
Six Steps to Safe Fasting
Peter L Delloro
Have you been curious about fasting for a while but don't know where to begin?
Well, you've come to the right place. Listen to our six steps to safe fasting and learn how to get all the benefits of fasting and minimize the discomfort, hunger pains, and emotional challenges.
Through proper preparation and careful practice, you'll find that fasting can give you added energy, strength, healing, and a renewed spirit.
We'll teach you the foods to eat before your fast and those that will be easiest on your digestive track when you break your fast.
After listening to our book, you'll be ready for the unexpected and no longer negatively impacted by many of the physical and emotions issues that often arise during a fast. You'll learn useful tips that will help you avoid or resist temptations and maintain your resolve to finish your fast.
We'll walk you through, day-by-day, what you should and should not do during a fast, and you'll learn from others' experiences as you hear their testimonies of fasting.
When you begin your fast, you'll be armed with the knowledge our six steps provide and ready to ride through the rough spots to accomplish your goal.
So, do your body and mind a favor and give it a fresh new start by cleansing yourself of toxins, negative thoughts, and unwanted emotional baggage.
Good luck with all your future fasts!
©2017 Anna G. Taylor (P)2017 Anna G. Taylor