The Make Up Edition
Shareef 4.9
Shareef Jaudon
Warning: Relationshit is not your typical PG-13 boring audiobook on relationships. Nope! People do not have time for that on the modern day battlefield of love and war. It is time to get real. Do you want to know why people cheat, lie, or play games? Want to know how to communicate better and avoid damaging "I'm done with this crap!" arguments? Or maybe you're an involved, sexually constipated woman who is on the brink of giving up and letting a man-made contraption get the job done.
You are not alone in this epic eternal emotional conflict. Millions are right there with you! The good news is there is genuine assistance, uncut truth, shocking verbal truisms that will open your eyes and your mouth at the same time.
Sit back, relax, and allow me to break down sex, romance, honesty, cheating, and a lot more on this explosive audio track that will leave you enlightened and slightly dizzy while laughing out loud at the humor of straight truth with no chaser! I will give it to you raw, uncut, and unscripted because that is the only way to do it. Ladies, this is Relationshit from the best-selling author of the Tyce series; and I promise you ain't never heard anything like this before and spoken by yours truly, Shareef 4.9, with passion and fire wrapped in an entertaining package just for you. To all the ladies out there who love hard and keep it real, don't stop!
Real talk for real Relationshit. Put the kids to bed because this is for grown folks! Ride with me!
©2011 Shareef Jaudon (P)2017 Shareef Jaudon