Personal Finance for Teenagers
Fast Track to Financial Literacy with Teen-Tailored Money Management Skills: Hands-On Activities for Earning, Saving, Budgeting, Spending, and Investing
Jon Rose
Ben Clardy
Is your teen ready to face the financial challenges of the real world?
With the help of Personal Finance for Teenagers, they will be.
Inside, your teen will discover:
- Creative ways to earn money including unconventional side hustles and online opportunities
- The power of compound interest to multiply your savings while you sleep
- Risk-free stock market simulation to learn how to invest without risking a single penny
- Dozens of valuable skills to learn for teens who need improved financial education
- Scam-busting skills to outsmart financial predators and protect you hard-earned money
- Smart budgeting techniques that balance saving goals with an epic social life
- Credit card wisdom to make plastic work for you... instead of trapping you in inescapable debt
- Proven methods to building a stellar credit score for a life-long financial edge
...and that's just scratching the surface of this comprehensive teen money skills guide!
Using teen-friendly language, relatable examples, and interactive exercises, Personal Finance for Teenagers transforms learning financial literacy into easy-to-grasp money skills THAT STICK!
These core skills provide a strong financial foundation that can drastically alter a persons life path, open doors of opportunity, and drastically reduce money-related stress.
Your search for best financial books for teens brought you here. While there are dozens of books to choose from, the best money books for teens are the ones that they will read. Let the teen-friendly language, humor, and engaging approach of this book grab their attention and keep them hooked from beginning to end.
Don't leave their future to chance...
Click "BUY NOW" and give them the gift of financial literacy!
©2024 Ben Clardy (P)2024 Ben Clardy