Passive Income: Highly Profitable Passive Income Ideas on How to Make Money Online and Start Your Own Online Business
J. Michaels
Anthony Parker
The Internet has brought about numerous opportunities for earning a decent income and living a flexible, independent lifestyle. The most alluring of these opportunities is the ability to earn a passive income. Everyone dreams of the ability to make money without trading their time for it. The ability to earn a passive income is high sought after, and unfortunately, it is also highly misunderstood.
To most people, the words passive income conjure images of money constantly flowing into their bank accounts while they sleep on the couch or relax on a beach in Bali. This is a somewhat warped view of passive incomes. Essentially, a passive income is an income stream that doesn't require a lot active maintenance or involvement to keep the money rolling in. While you are not actively involved in running the business, it doesn't mean you can ignore it either.
However, one thing most people doesn't understand about earning a passive income is that it requires a lot of upfront investment, either in time, money, or both. During the initial stages, there are usually no returns from all the effort and investment put into a passive income venture. However, once the systems are up and running, a passive income venture can maintain itself, earning you money without a lot of effort.
At the completion of this audiobook, you will have a good understanding of multiple ideas you can use to create a passive income and be able to make money Online through your own Online business.
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