Ignis Fatuus
The Delusions Created in You and for You by the Investment Sector
Almost all investors who have taken professional advice to invest their hard-earned money have, at one time or another, faced fraud, deception and mis-spelling from those selling mutual funds, ULIPs and shares. Some of these investors have lost all their wealth and many of them committed suicide since they could not withstand the financial loss.
Investors believe, by and large, that the fraud is perpetuated mostly by the agents who sell them the investments. The agents are only a small proportion of the persons cheating investors. The main actors are behind the scenes. The Book offers insights on how investors are cheated by academicians, the media, asset management companies, fund managers, and other experts. These experts create a world of
delusions (called ignis fatuus in Latin) to feed the investors’ desire to earn money quickly. The Book describes the environment that has been created in the financial sector and how that environment facilitates fraud and deception. The 10 most common statements that experts make which create the world of ignis fatuus (delusions) for investors are examined. Evidence is provided to show why all the statements that promise investors high returns amount to misrepresentation or fraud.
©2024 Nidadavolu Ashok Kumar (P)2024 Nidadavolu Ashok Kumar