How to Read the Akashic Records Vol 2: Intermediate
Expanded Insights and Techniques for Accessing the Records
Bill Foss
Bill Foss
"How to Read the Akashic Records - Intermediate Volume 2 contains expanded insights for accessing the Akashic Records. While Volume 1 is the important basis for developing your practices, Intermediate Volume 2 has key information for developing your skills.
All Guided Meditations that Accompany this Book are Available at billfoss.net/audio.
Getting the printed version of this book is recommended as well. This book is the core advanced level information to bring you right up into the next level of your Akashic Reading practice and work. In this book we share new advanced meditation techniques for quieting the mind in order to access as well as a multitude of New visionary practices for accessing all of the inter-dimensional aspects of the Records. Several new ways to Journey into your Book of Life and also in this volume we approach Inner Child healing and Ancestral Healing using the Akashic Records.
In many ways this is the book that will bring it all together as we share secret levels of activations and dynamics on how the Akasha actually operates including the details of the Soul's connection to the physical body and to the Akashic Records. This is the book you won't want to miss.