God’s Last Days Message for His Children, Volume 1
Jericho Cross
In a world fraught with uncertainty and spiritual turmoil, "God’s Last Days Message For His Children" emerges as a beacon of divine clarity and hope. Authored by Tolu Sarah Johnson Matthew Robert Payne, this profound work offers a direct line of communication from the heart of God to His beloved children, addressing the pressing questions and deepest yearnings of the soul.
This compelling book transcends mere theological discourse, inviting readers into an intimate dialogue with the Divine. Through a series of poignant and thought-provoking questions, readers explore the mysteries of the rapture, the nature of emotions in heaven, and the essence of true intimacy with the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. The authors delve into the timeless question of whether one's focus should be on the rapture or the teachings of Jesus, providing insightful perspectives that illuminate the path to spiritual fulfillment.
This is more than a book; it is a divine conversation and a testament to God's enduring love and guidance for His children in these last days. Join Tolu Sarah Johnson and Matthew Robert Payne as they convey God's heartfelt messages, offering a source of comfort, wisdom, and spiritual growth.