Fluids and Electrolytes Master Nursing School and NCLEX Exams
100 Practice Test Questions with Rationales: Nursing Tests Series, Book 5
Tammy Yonce
Fluids and electrolytes for nurses test review.
One-hundred questions plus an additional 100 questions.
Crush your nursing school and NCLEX testing exam and pass with ease.
Great review of fluids and electrolytes for nursing students.
Followed by 100 multiple choice questions with answers and rationales.
We will simplify the following subjects into easy to understand chunks:
- Fluids and electrolytes
- Basic concepts of electrolyte balance and regulation
- Acid base balance
- Hypervolemia and hypovolemia
- Hypernatremia and hyponatremia
- Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia
- Hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia
- Hyperphosphatemia and hypophosphatemia
- Hypermagnesemia and hypomagnesemia
- Hyperchloremia and hypochloremia
- Nursing care plans related to fluids and electrolytes
This audiobook is set up so that you can take the test in the first section without answers and rationales.
The second section includes the questions, answers, and rationales.
This audiobook contains:
- Multiple choice nursing test questions
- True false nursing test questions
Practicing multiple tests in nursing school is one of the keys to passing. Getting a handle on the types of test questions will help you gain confidence and knowledge to pass the test easily.
Get your copy today.
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