Faithfulness Fulfilled
God Knew
Bill Hemberger
Where is God? What is He thinking? Does He hear you when you pray? It's likely those questions have crossed your mind, and your heart, at least once. Perhaps you are asking them right now. They're honest questions, usually when facing the trials, temptations, and hardships of life. They are heartfelt questions, especially when God is seemingly silent in answering your prayers, and you are left waiting, wondering, and wandering.
Throughout the Bible, God has worked through ordinary people and things to accomplish His plans. His tactics haven't changed, and we can see the results in the lives of Jim and Linda Meyer. Walk with them and witness how God still answers these questions the same way He answered the people in Biblical times. While they are the two main characters in this book, they aren't the star of this story– God is.
God can and will continue to show and prove His faithfulness to you. God's grace and faithfulness are evident in this heartwarming sequel to God Knew, Revelations of God's Grace in Unexpected Ways. Look for Him in all circumstances, in all of your own "God knew" moments, and trust in His Love and His enduring promise to never leave you and never forsake you.