Earl's Own Dakota Odyssey
A West River Story
Bruce Roseland
Bruce Roseland
The story of the cowboy has been much romanticized and made part of a mythology about the American West. Earl’s Own Dakota Odyssey is an update on that myth. What is the actual nitty-gritty of life for a typical ranch hand? The work is hard, without job security, health benefits or retirement accounts. When you get old, no one wants you. That’s the down side.
The upside is you live in a world that’s real, surrounded by the day-to-day beauty of God’s creation, called the Great Plains. All of Earl’s Own Dakota Odyssey takes place in West River, South Dakota, much of it on a large working ranch west of the Cheyenne River breaks.
Earl’s story begins after being scooted out of a small town high school with an unsigned diploma and no obvious skills. Earl rapidly rotated through the professions of rodeo clowning and bar tramp. He then finds minimal employment at a cattle sales barn.
Life seems good to Earl, until his apple cart gets upturned by a wild 4th of July night, where Earl meets the love of his life, Sue Zann, a tornado of a beauty with long black hair.
The next morning, Earl learns from Sue Zann she’s a tad younger than he thought and already has future plans for them. From his sales barn buddy, Earl finds out Sue Zann’s father is the biggest ranch man around and is exceptionally protective of his daughter. Furthermore, her uncle is the county sheriff. His handle is “The Hanging Sheriff.”
With an abundance of caution and plain skittishness, Earl decides to hightail it out of town, beginning his twenty-year odyssey. He finds work on a big West River ranch, where he learns authentic cowboy skills.
Earl survives many trials and tribulations, including a legendary knockdown, drag-out bar fight. After a lifetime of just allowing things to happen, Earl earns redemption by making his own better choices. His story’s surprise ending opens the door to love and belonging on his own piece of West River.