Created to Relate
Living Beyond Religion
Desiree Taylor
Desiree Taylor
Have you grown up in the church? Or maybe you’ve just always heard about God?
Have you ever felt like you are going through the motions in your Christian life, only to be left feeling empty, defeated, or both?
In Created to Relate, Desiree Taylor will walk you through those religious mindsets, habits, and attitudes that so easily shackle us. And she will show you, through her own experiences, how to exchange them for the mind and attitude of Jesus. Desiree shares how she came to see God beyond the legalism and how you too can see who you are in Him.
In this book, you will learn to see yourself and others through a different lens. You will begin to recognize those wrong mindsets, habits, and attitudes you have carried with you through this life. Desiree’s desire is that you will leave unburdened and free from what you have carried around in your own “backpack” in this life, ready to move forward on your journey with a renewed mind and heart. Created to Relate will change your relationship with yourself, others, and most importantly, Jesus, leading you into freedom and a life Living Beyond Religion.