We don’t welcome Pesach. We don’t welcome Tefillin. So why do we welcome Shabbos? Why do we sing to it, escort it, and refer to it as a guest? What makes Shabbos so fundamentally different from any other mitzvah?
Shabbos isn’t just a mitzvah—it’s an encounter with the Shechina. Rabbi Klapper unpacks the depth behind Kabbalas Shabbos, showing how it mirrors Matan Torah, where Klal Yisrael insisted, “We want to see our King!” Just like at Har Sinai, where we had to prepare, dress properly, and stand ready, Shabbos demands that same level of kavod. But are we actually prepared for this moment? Do we race into Shabbos last-minute, treating it as a break from work rather than a royal event? With powerful analogies and halachic insights, this episode explores the true meaning of greeting the Shechina—and why treating Shabbos as just another mitzvah misses the entire point.
Hosted by Rabbi Ari Klapper and produced by Eli Podcast Productions, this episode is part of the Real Judaism series, available on RealJudaism.org. Don't forget to subscribe and share to stay connected with our daily lessons and timeless Torah insights!