Attracting Mr Right
Nicole Findlay
Nicole Findlay
Are you suffering from the Jennifer Aniston syndrome? Are you tired of late night calls to your girlfriends about the latest loser? Fed up with meals for one on a Saturday night?
The career’s on the up. You’re looking great. And financially you’re sorted. There’s just one thing missing…. The perfect guy to share it all with. We hate to admit it, but having a guy around is not all bad news.
When you connect with the right person, it can be a beautiful thing and great experiences deserve to be shared with someone you love. If you’re not having much luck in the love department, allow a bit of savvy talk to teach you how to Attract Mr Right. Re-evaluate what you want and what is important to you in a relationship and learn the biggest secret to why you could be holding yourself back.
Nicole Findlay gives you a fresh and honest approach to making changes in key areas of your life. Gone are the promises of wishful thinking, affirmations and dreary hypnosis tapes. Discover uplifting and energising audio downloads to your Ipod, that give you tools immediately to use by the time you get off the train, into work or home. www.nicolefindlay.co.uk
©2010 Nicole Findlay (P)2010 Nicole Findlay