Advancing on the Kingdom of Darkness with Power
John Hopkinson
Troy B. Clerk
Any good commander will make certain that their soldiers have correct and ample intelligence about the battles they are preparing to fight. This is what we have from our commander in chief, Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 24, Jesus entrusts the soldier with a prophetic outline of the end-times. He explains what the world would look like in the advanced stages of depravity (Matthew 24:6-7). He further shared about the rise of religious deception (Matthew 24:4-5), the falling away of the church (Matthew 24:9-12), and the great tribulation (Matthew 24:21). Also hidden within this prophetic overview is a picture of the war between the saints and Satan for the souls of others. We see this in Matthew 24:7a when Jesus says, "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom."
While this verse clearly refers to the unprecedented upheaval of racial prejudice and extreme nationalism, Jesus is saying something more here. Nation rising against nation refers to ethnicities or races, but kingdoms refer to governments and countries. In this book, we will discover how to truly dismantle Satan and his demonic hierarchy through divinely inspired systematic strategies. It is an exhortation for the Christian soldier to take up spiritual arms against the prevailing spiritual darkness that is permeating society. It aids the soldier in this endeavor by preparing them for end-time spiritual warfare, teaching them how to engage the enemy through Spirit-led wisdom and, ultimately, how to find victory for themselves and others.
In these tumultuous times we live in, Advancing on the Kingdom of Darkness with Power is a weapon that every Christian soldier should possess in their arsenal.
©2023 Troy B. Clerk (P)2024 Troy B. Clerk