A Beginner's Guide to Weight Lifting
Before Breaking That Sweat, or Picking Up That Weight, Educate Yourself on the Basics of Weight Lifting for Significantly Better Results.
J. D. Franco
Trevor Clinger
I have gathered the best knowledge available for someone to begin weight training. I think everyone wanting to begin weight lifting to consider this book because it will provide you with a wealth of knowledge to get yourself started off on the right foot. I see many people begin exercising without having a clue on what they're doing. You can tell they are oblivious to working out because that aren't doing anything right in their routine. A poor routine is a foreshadowing to failure in the long run. If you take time to educate yourself on the basic of weight lifting, you will begin to better results, which can range from fat loss to Olympic strength. This book will eliminate the need for a personal trainer, because I provide you with a wealth of terms on direction in order to have the same knowledge as your average trainer. I am a certified professional trainer through the National Federation of Professional Trainers (accredited by the NCAA), certificate number 45582.
©2014 Trevor Clinger (P)2014 Trevor Clinger